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Working With Quicken

Posted by taxguru on January 6, 2007



Subject: Quicken
I googled a question that I had to do with categorizing multiple business income/expense transactions in the same file without having to make subcategories galore. Your site came up and I want to thank you for your tips that helped me sort out these issues. For some reason I never thought of using classes for that.


I’m glad you found that tip useful.  I’m actually amazed at how many people still overlook the ability of Classes in Quicken and QuickBooks to easily handle several different businesses in one data file. 

Good luck.

Kerry Kerstetter


Thanks for your response. I do have one related question.

Because we provide childcare, I need to send a report to each client at the end of the year and have used classes to separate them. If I isolate the different business accounts with classes, the Deposits I record will not appear because the transactions are split in classes for each client (Income:Private Clients/name) under each deposit.  Is it suggested to record deposits in a separate account then record the total deposit again in the business account applied to, or do you know of another way?



It shouldn’t be necessary to double enter anything ion order to be able to produce those reports.  I used to print those out with Quicken with no problem.

Unfortunately, it has been so long since I’ve done anything with Quicken files except covert them to QuickBooks that I am too rusty on the detailed steps to be able to explain how to produce your desired reports. 

This also brings up the fact that you would be better off upgrading to QuickBooks for the reasons I laid out in this article a long time ago.  You wouldn’t lose any of your data and it would allow you a number of different ways to produce the detailed client/customer reports you are having problems with in Quicken.

Good luck.  I’m sorry I couldn’t be more help.

Kerry Kerstetter


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